York County Wellspan Rehab Drill

On Oct. 25th Amateur Radio operators (York ARES/RACES/Skywarn) conducted the 2019 York County Simulated Emergency Test (SET) at the Wellspan Rehab September House (acting as net control), for York Township EMA, Shrewsbury EMA,  and Newberry EMA. York County 911 was not involved in this as they had another drill running that did not involve Amateur Radio, so we used September House as NCS.  We simulated the situation that included the loss of the 911 center, another good test, and used a facility not far from the backup 911 facility.  We must remember that a SET is a drill, an opportunity to learn and find ways we can improve. 

The situation at Wellspan Rehab was a loss of electrical power due to a lightning strike on the feed line and this took out the feed from the backup generator.  This necessitated them relocating patients to a nearby building.  Ham radio provided communication and coordination with the Emergency Services. More than 15 digital messages were handled (FLDIGI MP63-2KL) plus some voice. 

Note that York County did participate in the SET on Oct 5th as well, but felt the opportunity to do the Wellspan Rehab drill was more than worth the effort. It has opened the door for us to recommend equipment, training and procedures for the facility. 

Ralph Brandt K3HQI
ARRL EPA Affiliated Club Coordinator
ARRL EPA District 5 Emergency Coordinator