Page updated on 08/03/2022

Effective 8/1/2022 Roger Burkhart, N3GE, has been appointed Net Manager for the Pennsylvania Traffic Net.

Tom Mills, AF4NC has been appointed Assistant Net Manager for the Pennsylvania Traffic Net.

The Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) is the EPA Section CW net, but serves both the Eastern Pennsylvania and Western Pennsylvania Sections. The net meets daily on 3585 KHz at 7:00 PM Eastern Time for slow speed training in traffic handling. All interested Hams are invited to participate.

Our EPA National Traffic System (NTS) nets are:

The Dave Heller K3TX Memorial Pennsylvania Traffic Net
Formerly the Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN)
3585 kHz (CW)
7:00 PM Local Time Daily

Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency Phone and Traffic Net (EPAEPTN) 
3918 KHz (LSB)
5:00 PM Local Time Daily

Pennsylvania Fone Net
Will return in the summer of 2020
3910 KHz (LSB) , then moves to 3907 KHz
8:00 PM Monday, Wednesday and Friday

PaNBEMS (digital)
3.583 MHz (USB)
Waterfall: 1500Hz
7:30 AM Sunday

Keep your RxID turned on and your TxID off.

The Sunday Morning paNBEMS Net will have some subtle changes starting April 19, 2020. The “pre-net check-in” period is being eliminated and the net will start at 7:30PM Eastern Time. At the very beginning of the net the Net Controls will be giving some preference to QRP stations, EOC Stations, and our out of state stations. After that the regular check-in sequence will begin. Our Net Manager, K3EUI, cautions the net members to listen to the NCS instructions. This is a Work In Progress. We’re trying to get everyone in, our traffic out, and then continue with check-ins. The large number of check-ins and time it takes results in some of our members not getting into the net. And we want to let those that want to check into the Eastern Area, Central Area, and Western Area RACES nets get away in time to do that. Please follow the NCS instructions as best you can!

To join a discussion group for Traffic Handling in EPA click here.