Bob Wilson, W3BIG, EPA Section Manager
ARRL Field Day has many purposes but the two most important are to take to the field in a quasi emergency communications exercise and to demonstrate amateur radio to the public. The Windmill Amateur Radio Club, which serves Lackawanna, Susquehanna and Wayne Counties, knocked it out of the park on both counts.
Windmill ARC, a medium sized club, prepared for the annual event for more than six months. The main goal was to introduce the public to amateur radio and to demonstrate what hams do. To accomplish this goal a public venue, Merli-Sarnoski Park near Carbondale, was selected for ease of public access. To attract visitors a food truck was set up serving local staples with clever ham radio names and a raffle was held with a great selection of prizes to appeal to those attending. Local sponsors donated prizes and supported the event.
The Field Day station was a class 4-Alpha using the call W3LTR (Let’s Talk Radio) with an additional GOTA station to give visitors a chance to get on the air. The main operating positions were located in a pavilion to protect the crew from the brutally hot sun as well as a passing thunderstorm. There were also booths for the Windmill ARC and ARRL EPA Section to provide information to visitors.
Windmill ARC, led by President Joe Cieciorka-KA3UBG, provided one of the best opportunities for the public to observe amateur radio up close and personal. Visitors could stroll among operating positions and ask questions. Operators were very approachable and demonstrated making contacts on phone and CW. A VE testing session was also held with two new hams earning their tickets.
One of the more unique aspects of the event was the raffle held with very generous prizes to entice the public to attend. Due to the brutally hot weather and thunderstorms on Saturday, visitors were sparse. But, things changed dramatically on Sunday when visitors came out in much greater numbers with milder temperatures.
Follow this link to learn more about the Windmill Amateur Radio Club.
Here’s a glimpse of the Windmill Amateur Radio Club Field Day 2024 activities: