Pottstown Area Amateur Radio Club organized a very successful POTA event, dubbed PAARC in the Park, at Evansburg State Park in Montgomery County on Sunday, April 28. The activity was intended to demonstrate all aspects of Parks On The Air operation including equipment selection, antennas, batteries as well as tips and techniques to make portable operation outdoors a success.
Top POTA activators from the EPA were present to answer questions including Pete Kobak, K0BAK, Joel Rubincam, NF3R, Bill Hewitt, W3FRB, and Greg Malone, WA3GM. Weather for the outdoor event was excellent and PAARC Program Coordinator Ed Leshinskie, K3BVQ , must have had something to do with that.
Despite less than favorable band conditions, all operators were very successful in providing a boatload of contacts for eager POTA hunters. One of the most beneficial aspects of the event, other than chatting with fellow hams, was eyeballing various equipment configurations. It’s always educational to witness how different field antenna systems are deployed and how operators stow and carry their gear. The photos below provide a brief glimpse of the activity.