PA House Bill 37 Advances, Exempts Amateur Radio Operators

For Immediate Release – March 25, 2021

The Pennsylvania House of Representatives Transportation Committee just passed a distracted driving bill that exempts amateur radio operators. That is, an FCC licensed Amateur Radio Operator using a push-to-talk mobile rig or an HT radio in his or her car, will be exempt from the restrictions that prohibit drivers from using handheld communications devices like cell phones. Of course, the full House has yet to vote on the bill and then the Senate must pass it before it goes to the Govenor. Your  Pensylvania ARRL leadership team worked closely with Representative Rosemary Brown and her staff to develop the appropriate exemption language. The exemption reads “…a MOBILE OR hand-held radio being used by a person with an amateur radio station license issued by the Federal Communications Commission.”

As a result, Amateur Radio Operators engaged in mobile operations are urged to carry a copy of their FCC license in their vehicle at all times and to print out the language of the exemption should police stop them while using mobile equipment after the bill becomes law.. 

We will be closely following the debate in the House when the bill come up for a vote and we’ll keep you posted in case we need Amateur Radio Operators in Pennsylvania to contact elected officials.

Jay Silber (WA2UAR)
Public Information Coordinator
ARRL-Eastern Pennsylvania

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