Liaison to Scouting is Taking Off

posted in: Announcements

Thanks to smashing success at our EPA-ARRL table at the recent Region 5 BSA conference, EPA-ARRL added a blog page for scouting activity.

It’s no fluke.  After a year of talks and small pilot programs, we have learned there is a great interest, among volunteer and professional scouters, in amateur radio.  This interest is not only for traditional merit badges and Morse code training but for opportunities for real public service work and it’s at the institutional level.

Imagine an ARES unit augmented with members of the largest uniformed civilian service in the world, with the discipline, training and demonstrated responsibility only scouts can bring.   Imagine bringing a full hf QRP station to a far-flung hiking trip, the nearest cell tower a hundred miles away.

The EPA-ARRL Liaison to Scouting PIO appointment will help make this a reality.

Visit today and volunteer as our Liaison to Scouting for your council or unit!

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