This is the first newsletter for EPA Traffic Handlers. If you know anyone that would like to receive a copy of this newsletter, have them email George, W3GWM.

We’re calling the newsletter “July Traffic Report” this month, but were looking for a better name. Please help us by suggesting a title for our newsletter. This is only sent to Traffic Handlers in EPA and a few people outside our section who are interested.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know. If there is something you’d like to have added to the newsletter, please let us know. Likewise if there’s  something you don’t want to read about, tell us about
that too. This is our first edition representing the Eastern Pennsylvania Traffic Handlers and this is a work in progress.

We know you get a lot of SPAM emails. We do too. You’ll only receive this email once a month unless there is an emergency requiring traffic handlers to get on the air. Then we’ll send a special announcement in addition to the
respective Net Managers calling you on the phone. Please make sure we have a current phone number and email address for you.

We’d appreciate if you would wait a couple of months before asking to be removed from the mailing list. See if something in this newsletter appeals to you.

This issue of the newsletter is primarily for HF operators on the Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) and the Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency Phone and Traffic Net (EPAEPTN). We’d like to include local nets too. 

If you have a VHF or UHF Net in your area interested in traffic handling, ask the Net Manager to send an email to George, W3GWM with a list of net members and we’ll add them to our mailing list. 

Net Managers for local nets should also contact George, W3GWM, with information about your nets to be added to the newsletter.


The HF bands have been rough lately. 80/75 meters have been plagued by QRN (static crashes), QSB (fading), QRM, and poor band conditions in general. If you’ve been on the other bands, I’m sure you noticed the same difficult
conditions. Serving as a liaison for the nets on 40 and 20 Meters has been very difficult and messages have required relaying within the nets to reach their destination.

Scott, N3SW, and George, W3GWM, have made use of the Digital Traffic Network to get messages for EPAEPTN and PTN. The error correction on the DTN has aided immensely in achieving our goal of 100% Copy, 100% of the time.

It’s believed we have almost reached Solar Minimum and are about to begin the long climb back up to Solar Cycle 25. Some sunspots have appeared briefly rotating in the opposite direction as the Cycle 24 sunspots.

For the latest information on band conditions, go to


Scott Walker, N3SW, has been appointed PTN Net Manager. Scott has held this position for 16 years previously! Scott is also the Section Traffic Manager (STM). Tom Mills, AF4NC has been appointed as the PTN Assistant Net Manager. Tom is also the Assistant Section Manager.

On the phone side, George Miller, W3GWM is the Net Manager for EPAEPTN and Hank Grilk, WA2CCN, is the Assistant Net Manager. Hank is also the Emergency Coordinator for Wayne County. George is the Section Manager and is involved in many things for the EPA Section.

On The Air

We need stations to serve as Official Relay Stations (ORS). You check in to the nets but we would like you to be appointed to an ARRL Field Service position. You will file a report once a month with the Section Traffic Manager (N3SW) with your station activity. 

To volunteer for an appointment as ORS, email W3GWM, the EPA Section Manager.

These stations filed Station Activity Reports (SAR) this month: W3GWM, N3SW, WA2CCN, N3AS, W3ZR and AF4NC. The station that handled the most traffic for July was W3GWM with a traffic count of 47. Hank, WA2CCN, had the high count for the Public Service Honor Roll, PSHR, with 139.

Net’s reporting this month:

Net                          QNI         QTC        Sessions
Net Manager          

EPAEPTN               151          49            30/31

PTN                         155          9              68

SEPPTN                  73            4              9

SEPPTN, the R.F. Hill ARC Southeastern PA Practice and Traffic Net (SEPPTN) was the only local net reporting for July. We’d like to receive more reports from local nets.

Net Control Stations

We need Net Control Stations for EPAEPTN and PTN. EPAEPTN has vacancies that need operators to fill a once a week position and we need substitutes to stand by for days the scheduled NCS is unavailable. We need stations for
both nets.

It’s really not hard to run a net. If you’d like to try PTN, contact Scott, N3SW, or for EPAEPTN contact George, W3GWM, for more information. Previous experience is not necessary.

Net Times

EPAEPTN             Daily      3917 KHz             6 PM

PTN                        Daily      3585 KHz             7 PM and 10 PM*

* PTN at 7 PM is a slow speed training net. The 10 PM Net is faster for more experienced operators.

Please check in to the nets when you can. Neither net last long and you’ll be excused quickly to enjoy the rest of your evening.

Net Control Schedules


Sunday                   Joe W3JY               

Monday                  Jim WA3EHD

Tuesday                 Carman N3AS

Wednesday            Donald WK2RP

Thursday                Hank WA2CCN

Friday                     George W3GWM

Saturday                 George W3GWM

Thank you for reading this month’s newsletter. Send suggestions for changes
or additions to George, W3GWM, at W3GWM at

Net Managers may be reached by emailing:

EPA STM Scott Walker   
EPA SM George Miller