Fraud Alert

9/22/20 – Here is a fraud alert to please be aware of.  Since yesterday (Monday), I
have learned from three Section Managers (so far) that someone or some
people are sending scam/phishing-like e-mails to other ARRL Section
Leaders and/or others.   

The fake message tries to appear that it is from the Section Manager (or
the “President” of the ARRL Section), and asks the recipient of the
message to quickly purchase gift cards on the Section Manager’s behalf
so that the cards may be donated to a Veterans’ cause.  The e-mail
then asks the recipient to e-mail the Section Manager for information on
where to send the gift cards.

The contact information (names, Section names and potential recipients)
might be taken from ARRL Section Web pages.

I have alerted the ARRL IT department, too, to let them know what is
happening.   I don’t know any more than what has been reported so far.
 Thank you.


Steve Ewald, WV1X
Supervisor, Field Organization Team

ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section
Section Manager: George W Miller, W3GWM