EPA Field Day Competition

As Field Day 2020 (June 27 and 28) approaches it appears likely that we will be unable to hold our traditional events.

I’d like to purpose a friendly competition within the Eastern Pennsylvania Section. This is strictly for fun with a little rivalry between clubs and individuals in the EPA Section.

We will follow the ARRL Field Day Rules for 2020 (http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Field-Day/2020/1_61-2020%20Rules.pdf), with one exception. Since most of us will be operating from home or a portable location as Single Operator Stations each club will combine total scores from all participating club members.

All scores must be tabulated and send them to W3GWM for tabulation by Friday, July 31st.

For our EPA Section Competition, we will award certificates for three Divisions in the club category and 3 Divisions in the individual category. This part is slightly different than the ARRL Field Day but should work for our purpose.

Club divisions will be divided into the following divisions:

  1. Clubs with greater than 50 participants
  2. Clubs with greater than 25 but less than 50 participants
  3. Clubs with less than 25 participants

We don’t want to leave out people operating as individuals and not reporting scores to clubs, we will include a category for single operator stations.

Individual Divisions will be divided as follows:

  1. Stations running greater than 100 Watts
  2. Stations with less than 100 Watts but greater than 10 watts
  3. Stations running QRP, less than 10 Watts

All bonus points will be the same as in the ARRL Rules.

No logs or score sheets are required. This is simply a fun contest to make Field Day a little more interesting this year.

Credit for this idea must be given to Penn Wireless. They are running a similar competition with clubs in their local area. I “borrowed” this idea after attending one of their meetings via Zoom.

Collect the scores for club entries an people participating as an individual station not reporting scores to a club can send totals to me at w3gwm. I don’t need anything except an email with your score. Since this is a fun event, everyone is on the Honor System.

Get on the air, have fun and report your scores.


George Miller W3GWM
Eastern Pennsylvania Section Manager