EC-001S – Self Study Version of EC-001 – Available NOW!

Hello EPA ARES Members,

If you get two of these emails then please accept my apologies. There have been so many requests about this that I am trying to cover all bases here.

The SELF STUDY Version of EC-001, the base required course for Level 1, is available, and has been for several months, on the ARRL web site. My bad for not seeing it earlier.

Thanks to Ken, K1FUG, at the ARRL for pointing me in the right direction.

If you have registered for a Mentored Version of EC-001 be sure to cancel your reservation before registering for the Self Study Version.

Here is the message from Ken…

Hi Walt,

The EC-001 revised course has been available for several months now.  Members can register for the course via this link   There is two different versions of the course.  The guided or mentored version (EC-001) and the self-paced for experienced emergency communicators (EC-001-S).

Both of these courses are under the direction of the Lifelong Learning group, Kris Bickell, manager

I handle the course registrations and testing for the EC-016 advanced course and registration for that course is found using the same link as above. 

73,   Ken

Ken Bailey, K1FUG

Emergency Preparedness Assistant Manager


I checked and keep going on the registration until you see EC-001S. That is the course you want if you are going to go the Self Study Route.

Any questions – let me know.

WT Jones
ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service <—
Eastern PA District 3 District Emergency Coordinator
Eastern PA District 2 Acting District Emergency Coordinator
Eastern PA Section Emergency Coordinator