Daylight Savings Time means changing net time.

posted in: News Articles

A reminder that Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday. Don’t forget to turn your clock ahead.

The Eastern Pennsylvania Emergency Phone and Traffic Net (EPAEPTN) on 3917 KHz will move to 6 PM EDT effective Sunday March 8th. Coincidentally, the net will still be held at 2200Z. The change is to conform to local time.

The Pennsylvania Traffic Net (PTN) meets at 7PM and 10 PM local times so there is no change in times, but propagation should be improving.

As the days get longer, we will start the Pennsylvania Fone Net on 3910 KHz at 8 PM EDT again. Keep watching for an announcement.


George W3GWM

Eastern PA Section Manager

Email: W3GWM

Phone (570) 250-1007