Celebrate New Red Cross Emcomm Stations

posted in: News Articles


Pennsylvania Red Cross invites all Pennsylvania amateur radio operators to join in celebrating the
opening of the Red Cross Emcomm Stations (RCES). These stations are located in Red Cross facilities
in each of the 10 Pennsylvania Red Cross Disaster Response Areas (DRA). The Red Cross Emcomm
Stations are located in existing Red Cross facilities Most are “compact” stations.

Please join the Red Cross on the air on March 16. The RCES will be activated from 1:00 to 4:00
PM local time. All Pennsylvania hams are invited to participate. Listen for the RCES lead to
announce the exercise. Check in with your call sign, name, county and state if you are an
ARES® or Red Cross volunteer. ARES® Emergency Coordinators are invited to visit the stations
during the exercise. Contact the station lead (detailed in the chart below) to make
arrangements. The stations are compact so visitors will be limited to one or two.

Sta Call Location Station Lead / Contact Information Primary Repeater
KC3TFM Erie David Morneau KB3RIP 814-746-2938 W3GV 146.820 – pl 186.2
KC3WMS Pittsburgh Dave Herzog KC3KAG 412-580-4852 W3EXW 147.090 + pl 88.5
KC3WQJ Greensburg Dave Herzog KC3KAG 412-580-4852 W3LWW 147.180 + pl 131.8
KC3WQI Johnstown Carl Keller KC3KFW 610-301-3881 K3SMT 147.195 + pl 123.0
KC3WQG State College Brett Saylor W3SWL 814-321-5536 W3YA 146.850 – pl 146.2
KC3WQL Stroudsburg Len Lavenda KC3OND 570-369-6118 WX3OES 146.865 – pl 100
KC3WQL Wilkes Barre Len Lavenda KC3OND 570-369-6118 WB3FKQ 146.610 – pl 82.5
KC3WQK Allentown Sean Campbell KC3LMZ 484-347-6478 W3OI 146.940 – pl 71.9
KC3WQM Harrisburg Richard Johnson N3EPY 717-226-3793 W3ND 145.110 – pl 131.8
KC3WQH Lewisburg Tim Gelvin K3TEG 570-495-0982 KC3FIT 146.655 – pl 107.2
WA3ARC Philadelphia Cliff Hotchkiss KC3PGT 828-230-8067 W3QV 147.030 + pl 91.5