Welcome to the Eastern Pennsylvania Section
of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL)

Section Manager
Bob Wilson, W3BIG

The EPA Section is part of the Atlantic Division of the ARRL and is made up of thirty four counties in the eastern part of the commonwealth, and serves over 3,800 ARRL members within those counties. 

ARRL is the National Association for Amateur Radio in the United States. It was founded in 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim as The American Radio Relay League, and is a noncommercial organization of radio amateurs.  ARRL’s underpinnings as Amateur Radio’s witness, partner and forum are defined by five pillars: Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology, and Membership

We will post the latest news and updates from within the Section including club events, hamfest information, ARES/RACES updates, Traffic Reports and Youth and Scouting activity and more. However, we can only post what we know about. In order to keep this site up to date and current we need to hear from you. Send us your club events and articles of other activities you or your group is involved in. Submit your announcements and other articles and photos to us at news@epa-arrl.org.

Visit our EPA Section staff page for section contacts and email addresses.

Follow our posts by electing to receive an email by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

ARRL is a registered trademark® of the American Radio Relay League


Pennsylvania QSO Party – October 12-13
The Pennsylvania QSO Party will take place on October 12 from 1600Z (1200 EDT) to 0400Z (2400 EDT) and on October 13 from 1300Z (0900 EDT) to 2200Z (1800 EDT). Activity is to promote contacts with as many Pennsylvania amateurs as possible on the following bands: 630m, …
Reading Radio Club Special Event to Recognize 100th Anniversary of Iconic Reading Railroad
By Mark Abramowicz, NT3V A radio club in eastern Pennsylvania plans to make some history of its own as it celebrates a very special centennial involving an iconic name recognized by railroad buffs around the world. The Reading Radio Club is preparing to honor the 100th anniversary …
Carter Craigie, N3AO, SK
Bob Wilson, W3BIG, EPA SM It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Carter Craigie, N3AO. Carter was known to so many in the EPA as well as in his most recent home in Blacksburg, Virginia. Carter was a man of many talents and …
ARRL Logbook of the World Back In Service
Bob Wilson, W3BIG, EPA Section Manager The ARRL reports that as of July 1 at 1600 UTC the Logbook of the World was returned to service. The popular application, used by millions of amateur radio operators, was affected by the recent web services hack and required maintenance. …
Windmill ARC Holds Very Public Field Day at Merli-Sarnoski Park Near Carbondale in Lackawanna County
Bob Wilson, W3BIG, EPA Section Manager ARRL Field Day has many purposes but the two most important are to take to the field in a quasi emergency communications exercise and to demonstrate amateur radio to the public. The Windmill Amateur Radio Club, which serves Lackawanna, Susquehanna and …

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