Welcome to the Eastern Pennsylvania Section
of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL)

Section Manager
Bob Wilson, W3BIG

The EPA Section is part of the Atlantic Division of the ARRL and is made up of thirty four counties in the eastern part of the commonwealth, and serves over 3,800 ARRL members within those counties. 

ARRL is the National Association for Amateur Radio in the United States. It was founded in 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim as The American Radio Relay League, and is a noncommercial organization of radio amateurs.  ARRL’s underpinnings as Amateur Radio’s witness, partner and forum are defined by five pillars: Public Service, Advocacy, Education, Technology, and Membership

We will post the latest news and updates from within the Section including club events, hamfest information, ARES/RACES updates, Traffic Reports and Youth and Scouting activity and more. However, we can only post what we know about. In order to keep this site up to date and current we need to hear from you. Send us your club events and articles of other activities you or your group is involved in. Submit your announcements and other articles and photos to us at news@epa-arrl.org.

Visit our EPA Section staff page for section contacts and email addresses.

Follow our posts by electing to receive an email by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

ARRL is a registered trademark® of the American Radio Relay League


Winter Field Day: January 25-26, 2025
If you're itching to get outdoors to operate, this weekend is a great time to make it happen. Winter Field Day will take place on Saturday and Sunday, January 25 and 26, 2025. Winter Field Day is an annual operating event that is scheduled on the last …
Looking for ARES Emergency Coordinator Candidate for Schuylkill County, PA
If you live in Schuylkill County and are interested in putting your amateur radio experience and leadership skills to use serving the public, we have a position for you. We need a volunteer candidate to assume the position of ARES Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. …
Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club’s Service Project Recognized Around the World
By Bob Josuweit, WA3PZO Since 2014 the Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club has participated in the Stamps for the Wounded program. Stamps for the Wounded (SFTW) is a service organization dedicated to providing comfort and stimulating activity to U.S. veterans through stamp collecting. SFTW sends stamps, covers, supplies …
Montgomery County ARES Hosts EPA and Divisional Leadership Meeting in Eagleville
Reported by Robert Alan Griffiths, NE3I, EPA Public Information Coordinator Montgomery County ARES-RACES (MCAR) hosted ARRL Eastern Pennsylvania Section and Atlantic Division leadership at its November monthly meeting held Saturday, November 9 at the Montgomery County Emergency Operations Center in Eagleville. MCAR EC Chuck Farrell, W3AFV, hosted …
Monroe County ARES Completes Red Cross Sheltering Training
Reported by Martin Gonzalez, KC3TOE, Monroe County EC Four members of Monroe County ARES completed Red Cross sheltering training in November. Those successfully taking the sheltering class included Len Lavenda, KC3OND, Martin Gonzalex, KC3TOE, Julia Fernald, KC3TOF and Nick Puccio, W3NJP. Three of those who completed the …

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